Ryanair sues ‘unruly’ passenger it says disrupted Dublin to Lanzarote flight

Airline seeking €15,000 in damages over ‘inexcusable’ behaviour it says forced plane to divert to Portugal Ryanair is suing a passenger it claims disrupted a flight between Dublin and Lanzarote, seeking €15,000 (£12,500) in damages to cover expenses incurred when the plane was diverted to Portugal. The airline said on Wednesday it had filed proceedings…

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Biden to remove Cuba from list of state sponsors of terrorism

Deal negotiated through Catholic church will involve ‘gradual’ release of 553 political prisoners, says Havana The Biden administration has notified Congress that it will remove Cuba from its list of state sponsors of terrorism in a deal the country’s communist government said would involve the “gradual” release of 553 political prisoners. The deal, which administration…

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Abort! SpaceX calls off launch of ‘MicroGEO’ satellites at last second – Space.com

Abort! SpaceX calls off launch of ‘MicroGEO’ satellites at last second  Space.com Mid-ignition issue forces a scrub of Falcon 9 launch with Astranis’ MicroGEO satellites  Spaceflight Now SpaceX launches rapid response GPS mission  Defense News SpaceX rocket launch: Where to watch Friday’s launch from Daytona, New Smyrna, Oak Hill  Daytona Beach News-Journal Here’s what to know before the SpaceX…

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