‘White people shouldn’t mess with it’: Native American church laments psychedelic cactus shortage

Western ‘psychedelic renaissance’ is partly to blame for dwindling supplies of peyote, which produces mescaline Aldous Huxley wrote about the spiritual visions he had while taking the drug mescaline in The Doors of Perception, while Hunter S Thompson wrote of driving at 100mph while under the influence of it in Fear and Loathing in Las…

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‘Astronomical spike’: Health officials issue warning about diarrhea-causing norovirus – The Herald-Times

‘Astronomical spike’: Health officials issue warning about diarrhea-causing norovirus  The Herald-Times Norovirus can defeat most household cleaners. Here’s what actually works  CNN Norovirus cases are on the rise. Here’s what you need to know about this nasty bug  CBC.ca Why everyone has a gnarly stomach bug right now, explained in one chart  Vox.com How to clean before, during and…

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