An Ivy League football player, a cook, a mother: the victims of the New Year’s Day attack in New Orleans

Those who died on Bourbon Street had gathered to celebrate the new year and were locals, tourists, students and parents

University students. Parents and other people pursuing careers. A former college football player whose little brother made a name for himself in the sport, too. A Briton whose stepmother had been a nanny of Princes Harry and William.

All had gathered on the most famous street in one of the world’s most festive cities to celebrate New Year’s Day. All were murdered when a US army veteran flying a flag of the Islamic State (IS) terror group drove a pickup truck around a makeshift police blockade and into a crowd on New Orleans’s Bourbon Street in the early morning of 1 January 2025, killing 14 people and injuring dozens more before authorities shot him to death during a gun battle.

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